Yes, it might sound a bit like the name for a car, but Yoga Nidra is something wonderful and has helped me to become more restful as I prepare for sleep, also helping me to feel more awakened.

Yoga Nidra literally means Yogic sleep- but its not about sleeping, its about exploring different states of consciousness. Its a form of meditation that we normally do lying down, a guided relaxation using props and pillows to help us relax even more. Taking you to that place inbetween awake and asleep- for me its that lovely floaty feeling.

So what should you do to prepare for a session? Wear comfy clothes (pyjamas are fab if you are doing an online practise), switch off your phone or place it on silent. If at home take yourself to a room or space where you will not be disturbed for the duration.

Make yourself as comfy as you can, using bolsters, pillows, blankets and perhaps an eyepillow and start to find the stillness. Know that you may not hear all I am saying, dont worry.

Try to stay awake, but if you do fall asleep thats fine as its probably what you need more than anything else at that time. Just relax, release and enjoy.

When the Nidra begins, know that there will be parts where there will be silence, just embrace it. At first it may seem a little bit strange but you will beging to enjoy the quietness.

I will always bring you back gently at the end, but know its fine just to take yourself off to sleep at the end of the session.

Yoga Nidra is a powerful practise. It can help us to relax, sleep, connect with our creativity and help us to heal both metally and emotionally. For me it is just the most wonderful special time just for me,

Have you tried yoga nidra? what did you experience? Would you like to try? let me know

Much Love Sharon xxxx


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